Even with the semester break looming right around the corner, Jack and I decided to take advantage of a long weekend and head east to a small province near Laos. We were planning to take a bus right from Lampang, but the seats were booked by the time we got to the station (quite a rarity!) Instead we hopped on a minibus (read: van) to Phrae and another to Nan.
The secret to minibus-riding is being stocked up on motion sickness medicine and avoiding watching the driver. The curvy mountain roads are not conducive to passing other drivers and, although the lane lines prohibited such dangerous behavior, our driver wouldn’t heed the painted suggestions. Instead he seemed to enjoy spiting them by spending time leisurely in the oncoming traffic’s lane. So, just stop watching. Ok? Ok.
We made it safely to Nan and hopped in a songtaew to our hotel Srinual Lodge. This place turned out to be clean and charming, and we were blown away that it’s available for about $100 a month.

The secret to minibus-riding is being stocked up on motion sickness medicine and avoiding watching the driver. The curvy mountain roads are not conducive to passing other drivers and, although the lane lines prohibited such dangerous behavior, our driver wouldn’t heed the painted suggestions. Instead he seemed to enjoy spiting them by spending time leisurely in the oncoming traffic’s lane. So, just stop watching. Ok? Ok.
We made it safely to Nan and hopped in a songtaew to our hotel Srinual Lodge. This place turned out to be clean and charming, and we were blown away that it’s available for about $100 a month.